cave of wonders
This blog was created to fulfill the requirements of my AP English Language class.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Opinion Piece #1 Precis
Gene Lyon's opinion piece,Weathering the Storm of Stupidity ,expresses that people without a certain level expertise should not be able to inform people about a particular subject.The author first affirms this by giving examples of situations in which conservative figures decide to voice their opinion on issues which are not their area of expertise;he then attempts to find the root of this behavior by using people's words and theories which in some way connect to a general way in which people come to believe things that political figures say as fact and to conclude he declares that it is a fear of science and that science will overtake religion and politics as a more authentic purveyor of information by clearing up several key pieces of information.His purpose is to alter the way one processes information in order to reform this way information relaying.He seems to have a conservative audience in mind because of the fact that he manages to attack several conservative political and also entertainment figures within this article.

Application Question:How does the influence of celebrities and media figures outweigh the facts that are presented to us as a society?

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