cave of wonders
This blog was created to fulfill the requirements of my AP English Language class.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Opinion Piece #3
The Los Angeles Times' opinion piece,China sees dissident's ideals as threat,the author states that China's attempts at stifling any type of public disapproval of its government is in the end,being done in vain.The author first reveals the parallels between two seemingly unrelated events by connecting them through the issue of China's human rights policies to show how unjust and hypocritical their government is;and to conclude the author extends their argument by giving several examples of how China has put strict limitations on the rights of its citizens,saying that these limitations are much more worse than the actions of these political dissidents since all they want is basic human rights.The author's purpose is to enlighten his audience in order to call attention to what the Chinese people have to go through so that in other countries can help China reform their government.The author seems to have a very political,possibly foreign or foreign-born audience in mind because the author focuses on the issue of human rights around the world.

Application Question:Does China's limitations of human rights work as a statement against globalization?

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