cave of wonders
This blog was created to fulfill the requirements of my AP English Language class.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Chunk #2 Precis: Stiff by Mary Roach
Mary Roach's nonfiction text Stiff:The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers,furthers her original argument,saying that after death since people are devoid of any sentience,they are thus no longer people as we know them.The author first looks into how dead bodies are utilized by several companies that are conducting research with dead bodies to simulate human experience;she then adds to this idea by saying that any type of substitute of the human body while still as effective is no real replacement for a real human body;and to conclude she says that because of the fact that it is a human body a scientist wants to research,not the bodies of pigs,mice,or even frogs,we should in fact be using human bodies.Her purpose is to enlighten the reader with such quirky and seemingly strange facts in order help us see that dead bodies are useful to the living.She seems to have a very general and comprehensive audience audience in mind because she shows the innumerable ways that we can use cadavers to our advantage.

Application Question:How does the use of cadavers add to our sense of practicality?
Blogger Something Special said...
Mary Roach's use of cadavers does add to our sense of practicality because its not practical that dead bodies are used for experiments everyday(or maybe it is).As it is when animals are used everyday for experiments.Not saying that animals should be lowered to this cruelty.But I think its more practical to use animals than to use people.Are people as significant as animals or are they in the same importance group? So yes the use of cadavers does add to our sense of practicality!!

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